When we choose to self-invest—whether that’s counselling/life coaching, a spa day/treatment, new personal items, physical activity, holiday, to live your authentic lives etc.—we are automatically showing LOVE to ourselves.
You see, sometimes we continue to “roam” through life, experiencing challenges, possible traumas, emotionally disabling situations, etc., but “coping,” as we would so often like to think. But are we really, truly “coping,” or are we “surviving” the best way we know how?
Well, this is where life coaching offers you the guidance you may need… to possibly gain understanding through a new perspective. Most of all, it helps you recognise that most of what we go through, no matter how disturbing or challenging it may seem, does not make us victims to our circumstances. Life coaching takes us on an inner journey through a therapeutic process, helping us return to our place of power.
Through this process, you can eventually experience the personal, authentic empowerment we all need for a healthy, happy, self-loving existence. The sessions are all an hour long and £55, and will be conducted through Zoom/Teams.
So, if you are truly ready for this journey, accept the challenge of self-investment.
Once you achieve internal validation, external validation becomes a mere extra in life—not necessary but always welcome.
So take this first step, reach out, and remove the fear 😉